2.3 Break Functions
The E8 emulator has the following four break functions.
(1) Hardware break function
H8 R8C series
Uses a break controller incorporated in the device.
The access address, instruction fetch address, data, or bus cycle condition can be set.
This function can also be set from the
[Event] column in the [Source] window. For the setting,
refer to section 5.3.1 Address Interrupt Breakpoints.
Note: The MCUs which have no hardware break function cannot use this function.
(2) PC break function (BREAKPOINT)
Breaks when the dedicated instruction at the specified address that has been replaced is
This function can be set on the [Breakpoint] page in the [Eventpoint] dialog box. It can also be
set when the [S/W Breakpoints] column for the line to be set is double-clicked in the [Source]
or [Disassembly] window.
(3) Forced break function
Forcibly breaks the user program.
(4) Address match break function
Stops the target program immediately before a specified address instruction is executed. This
function is featured by the address match interrupt of the MCU. This function can be set from
[Event] column in the Source window. For the setting, refer to section 5.2.2, Viewing the
Source Code.
Note: The address match break points vary depending on the device. And, user program
operation when device's address match interrupts are used is not guaranteed.