5.2 Downloading a Program
This section describes how to download a program and view it as source code or assembly-
language mnemonics.
Note: After a break has been detected, the High-performance Embedded Workshop displays the
location of the program counter (PC). In most cases, for example if an Elf/Dwarf2-based
project is moved from its original path (at the build), the source file may not be
automatically found. In this case, the High-performance Embedded Workshop will open a
source file browser dialog box to allow you to manually locate the file.
5.2.1 Downloading a Program
A load module to be debugged must be downloaded.
To download a program, select the load module from [Debug -> Download] or select [Download]
from the popup menu opened by clicking the right-hand mouse button on the load module in
[Download modules] of the [Workspace] window.
Note: Before downloading a program, it must be registered to the High-performance Embedded
Workshop as a load module. For registration, refer to section 4.2, Setting at E8 Emulator