Wireless RouterRNX-EasyN400 User Manual
servers/clients in your LAN to handle different service/Internet application type (e.g.
Email, FTP, Web server etc.) from the Internet.
Port tri.
In this section you can configure RNX-EasyN400 to support multiple connections
for these types of applications
In this section, you can let the selected application to correctly pass through the NAT
This allows you to discover PCs within your intranet for them to easily access
through internet.
QoS lets you classify Internet application traffic by source/destination IP address and
port number. You can assign priority for each type of application and reserve
bandwidth for it.
This function allows You to set enable Static Routing to let RNX-EasyN400 forward
packets by your routing policy
You can change the password required to log into the broadband router's system
web-based management
Time The Time Zone allows your router to reference or base its time on the settings.
DDNS DDNS allows you to map the static domain name to a dynamic IP address.
Power You can enable or disable Saving power in WLAN mode
Diagnosis This page could let you diagnosis your current network status.
Firmware This page allows you to upgrade RNX-EasyN400’s firmware.
Back-up This page allows you to save the current router configurations.
(For detail,
please see
Page 78.)
You can reset the broadband router when system stops responding correctly or stop
3.2.2 Navigating RNX-EasyN400 in AP Repeater Mode
AP Repeater mode has limited function compare to the AP Router mode.