Seiko Group ELP-3500 Projector User Manual

Sleep mode, 5, 27
Sliders, 32
Smears, 42, 54
Softer images, 36 to 37
Software, 53
Sound system, 17
1, 16
button, 24 to 26
stereo, 1
video, 1, 14
Speaker, 17
Specifications, 55 to 58
Status lights, 27, 51
Streaks, 26
Surface, 3, 53
S-Video, 3, 14 to 15
Sync, 38, 47, 53
Sync, comp, 34
Synchronize, 26
System Electronique pour Couleur Avec
Memoire. see SECAM
Temp, 50 to 52
Temperature, 51, 56
Temperature light, 50 to 52
TFT, 55
Thin Film Transistor, see TFT
Timer, 47
Tint, 31, 38, 54
Tracking, 26, 34, 38, 47
Transport, 2
Troubleshooting, 49 to 54
Unpacking, 2
V position, 31, 38
Vacuum, 44
Ventilation, 41, 43, 51
Vertical lines, 26
VGA, 58
light, 27
main menu, 31
option menu, 37
SETTINGS screen, 35
Video Graphics Array, see VGA
Video In, 15
Video-out, 15
Video source, connecting to, 14
input, 56
warning, 42
Volume, 23 to 26, 34 to 35, 55
l Index