Chapter 5 Sun MediaCenter Server Utilities 5-11
Using smc_tar, you can copy files that were loaded onto the server by means other
than smc_tar, such as with smc_copy or ftp.
FIGURE 5-2 Copying a Title from a Sun MediaCenter Server
As you can infer from the figure, smc_tar provides a convenient means to backup
titles on a Sun MediaCenter server.
Note – When backing up your video files, in addition to copying files from the disk
subsystem used for the MFS, you should make a separate backup of the /var/opt/
SUNWsms/content and files directories, which are stored on your server’s (UFS)
system disk. These directories contain files required by the MFS. Both smc_tar and
ftp (described in Chapter 6) backup these required files in the course of backing up
the MFS. However, if your system disk fails and the disk subsystem used for the
MFS does not, you will find it more convenient to restore only the content and
files directories than to restore the entire set of video files in the MFS.
tar Device
or File
Sun MediaCenter
Sun MediaCenter