About deduplication performance
Manyfactorsaffectperformance,especially theserverhardwareandthe network
Table 2-4 provides information about performance during backup jobs for a
deduplication storage server. The deduplication storage server conforms to the
minimum host requirements. Client deduplication or load balancing servers are
not used.
See “About deduplication server requirements” on page 23.
Table 2-4
Deduplication job load performance for a deduplication storage
Initial seeding is when all clients are first backed up.
Approximately 15 to 20 jobs can run concurrently under the following
■ The hardware meets minimum requirements. (More capable hardware
improves performance.)
■ Nocompression.Ifdataiscompressed,theCPUusageincreasesquickly,
which reduces the number of concurrent jobs that can be handled.
■ The deduplicationrate isbetween 50%to 100%.The deduplicationrate
is the percentage of data already stored so it is not stored again.
■ The amountof datathat isstored is lessthan 30%of thecapacity ofthe
Normal operation is when all clients have been backed up once.
Approximately15to20jobs canrun concurrentlyand withhigh performance
under the following conditions:
■ The hardware meets minimum requirements. (More capable hardware
improves performance.)
■ Nocompression.Ifdataiscompressed,theCPUusageincreasesquickly,
which reduces the number of concurrent jobs that can be handled.
■ Thededuplicationrate isbetween10%and50%.The deduplicationrate
is the percentage of data already stored so it is not stored again.
■ Theamountof datathatisstored isbetween30%to90% ofthecapacity
of the storage.
Planning your deployment
About deduplication performance