Table 5-4
pd.conf file values (continued)
ActionPossible valuesDefault valueSetting
Determines if the data to replicate is encrypted
before it is sent out over the network.
1 (on) or 0 (off)1OPTDUP_ENCRYPTION
Allows a list of file name extensions to be
specified. Files in the backup stream that have
these extensions are given a single segment if
using the maximum 16MB segment size.
and managing segments within the file types
that do not deduplicate globally.
Any file extensionN/ADONT_SEGMENT_TYPES
Determines the maximum bandwidth that is
allowed when backing up or restoring data
betweenthemedia serverandthededuplication
pool. The value is specified in KBytes/second.
The default is no limit.
0 (default - no limit)
to the practical
system limit
This keyword is reserved for internal use.
Note: Donotchangethissettingunlessdirected
to by a Symantec representative.
0 to 50,00050,000MAX_IMG_MBSIZE
Reconfiguring the deduplication storage server and
storage paths
Only one deduplication storage path can exist on a media server. Therefore, you
cannotrerun theStorageServerConfigurationWizard.An activated NetBackup
DeduplicationEnginerejects allconfigurationattempts thatabandonits previously
defined storage and backup images. You must manually deactivate the engine
and physically delete the storage directory.
Two aspects to the configuration exist: the record of the deduplication storage in
theEMMdatabase andthephysical presenceofthe storageondisk (thepopulated
storage directory). Deleting the deduplication storage server does not alter the
contents of the storage on physical disk. Toprotect againstinadvertent data loss,
NetBackup does not automatically delete the storagewhen youdelete the storage
63Configuring deduplication
Reconfiguring the deduplication storage server and storage paths