After you remove the load balancing server, restart the NetBackup Enterprise
Media Manager service. The NetBackup disk polling service may try to use the
removed server to query for disk status. Because the server is no longer a load
balancing server,it cannotquery the disk storage. Consequently,NetBackup may
mark the disk volume as DOWN. When the EMM service restarts, it chooses a
different deduplication server to monitor the disk storage.
Ifthe hostfailed andis unavailable, youcan usethe tpconfigdevice configuration
utility in menu mode to delete the server. However, you must run the tpconfig
utility on a UNIX or Linux NetBackup server.
For procedures, see the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for UNIX and Linux,
Volume II.
To remove a media server from a deduplication node
For every storage unit that specifies the media server in Use oneof the
followingmediaservers, clearthe check box that specifiesthe mediaserver.
This step isnot requiredif the storage unit isconfigured touse any available
media server.
In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media andDevice
Management >Credentials > Storage Server.
Select the deduplication storage server, then select Edit >Change.
71Managing deduplication
Managing deduplication servers