To determine disk pool state
In the NetBackup AdministrationConsole, expand Media and Device
Management >Device Monitor.
Select the Disk Pools tab.
The state is displayed in the Status column.
Determining the deduplication disk volume state
Use the NetBackup nbdevquery command to determine the state of the volume
in a deduplication disk pool. The command shows the properties and attributes
of the PureDiskVolume.
To determine deduplication disk volume state
Display the volume state by using the following command:
UNIX:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevquery -listdv -stype
PureDisk -U
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevquery -listdv
-stype PureDisk -U
The state is either UP or DOWN.
The following is example output
Disk Pool Name : PD_Disk_Pool
Disk Type : PureDisk
Disk Volume Name : PureDiskVolume
Disk Media ID : @aaaab
Total Capacity (GB) : 49.98
Free Space (GB) : 43.66
Use% : 12
Status : UP
Flag : ReadOnWrite
Flag : AdminUp
Flag : InternalUp
Num Read Mounts : 0
Num Write Mounts : 1
Cur Read Streams : 0
Cur Write Streams : 0
Viewing deduplication disk pools
Use the NetBackup Administration Console to view configured disk pools.
79Managing deduplication
Managing deduplication disk pools