To edit the storage server configuration
If you did not save a storage server configuration file, get a storage server
configuration file.
See “Getting the storage server configuration” on page 68.
If you getthe configuration of a storage serverthat is unavailable because of
a disaster, NetBackup returns a template configuration file. The following is
an example of a template configuration file:
V6.5.5 "storagepath" "none" string
V6.5.5 "spalogin" "n" string
V6.5.5 "spapasswd" " " string
V6.5.5 "dbpath" "db_path" string
V6.5.5 "required_interface" "" string
V6.5.5 "spalogretention" "7" int
V6.5.5 "verboselevel" "3" int
V6.5.5 represents the version of the input and output format not the
NetBackup release level. That version may differ on your system.
Use a text editor to enter or change values.
For a template configuration file, enter the appropriate information in the
second set of quotation marks in each line, replacing the default values. The
valuesshouldbe thesameas thoseyou usedwhenyou configuredthestorage
server initially.
The following are the values that are required:
■ storagepath.
■ spalogin.
■ spapasswd.
■ dbpath.
If the database path is the same as the storagepath, enter the same value
for storagepath and dbpath.
■ required_interface.
The required_interface is required only if you configured one initially;
ifa specificinterfaceis not required,leave itblank.The required interface
defaults to the computer's hostname.
Values for the other configuration parameters are optional and not
required for a recovery situation.
69Managing deduplication
Managing deduplication servers