NetBackup requires exclusive use of the disk resources. If the storage is used for
purposes other than backups, NetBackup cannot manage disk pool capacity or
manage storage lifecycle policies correctly. Therefore, NetBackup must be the
only entity that uses the storage.
See “About the deduplication storage paths” on page 38.
About deduplication storage capacity
Storage capacity for a deduplication node (deduplication storage server and
storage) is 32TB.
The deduplication database consumes approximately 10 percent of the storage
capacity. Therefore, approximately 90 percent of the storage capacity is usable
spaceforuniquebackup data.Theactualpercentages varydependingonthedata.
For performance optimization, Symantec recommends that you use a separate
disk, volume, partition, or spindle for the catalog database.
If your storagerequirements exceedthe capacity of a media serverdeduplication
node, do one of the following:
■ Use more than one media server deduplication node.
■ Usea PureDiskdeduplication poolasthe deduplicationdestination. APureDisk
deduplication pool provides larger storage capacity. It also provides global
About the deduplication storage paths
When you configure the deduplication storage server, you must enter the path
name to the storage. The storage path is the directory in which NetBackup stores
the raw backup data.
Because the storage requires a directory path, do not use only a root node (/) or
drive letter (G:\) as the storage path.
You also can specify a different location for the deduplication database. The
database path is the directory in which NetBackup stores and maintains the
structure of the stored deduplicated data.
For performance optimization, Symantec recommends that you use a separate
disk, volume, partition, or spindle for the deduplication database.
Ifthe directory or directoriesdo not exist,NetBackup createsthemand populates
them with the necessary subdirectory structure. If the directory or directories
exist, NetBackup populates them with the necessary subdirectory structure.
Provisioning the storage
About deduplication storage capacity