Test Setup
Test Results
3.2 Test Setup
Follow these steps for initial power up of the SLVP112:
1) Connect an electronic load from Vout to PwrGND (J1-15, -16,
-17, -18 to J1-11, -12, -13, -14) adjusted to draw approximately
1 A at 2.5 V. The exact current is not critical; any nominal current
is sufficient. A fixed resistor can also be used in place of the
electronic load. The output current drawn by the resistor is
amps where R is the value of the load resistor. The
resistor power rating, P
should be at least
Connect the sense lines from the load to VsenseH and VsenseL
(J1-4 and J1-2).
2) Connect a 12-V lab power supply to the 12-V input (J1-7
referenced to PwrGND, J1-8) of the SLVP112. A current limit set
for 20 mA should be adequate for the controller’s power
3) Connect another lab power supply to the 5 V dc input of the
SLVP112 (J1-5, -6 referenced to Return, J1-9, -10). Verify that
the current limit is set for at least 2 A and that it is set to 0 V.
4) Turn on the 12-V lab supply. Turn on the 5-V power supply and
ramp the input voltage up to 5 V. Once proper operation is
verified, this order is not important.
5) Verify that the SLVP112 output voltage (measured at the module
output pins) is 2.5 V ± 0.025 V.
6) For subsequent testing, ensure the lab supply output current
capacity and current limit are at least 7 A so that the SLVP112
can be operated at maximum load of 6 A.
7) For initial power up of the other converters, replace any
reference to 2.5 V in the above discussion with a reference to the
appropriate output voltage.
8) Refer to Chapter 3 for selected typical waveforms and operating
conditions for verification of proper module operation.
Figure 3–1 shows the SLVP112 test setup.