8-2 Packet Filters
Types of Filters
The NETServer supports the following types of packet filters:
• Input and output filters; packet filters can be created to
control either inbound or outbound data packets
• Source and destination address filtering; a packet filter can
permit or deny access based on the IP address of the source
and/or destination
• Protocol filtering; inbound or outbound network traffic can
be evaluated based on the protocol
• Source and destination port filtering; a packet filter can
control what services local or remote users can access
• Established session filtering; a packet filter can permit users
to connect with a remote network without letting remote
users have access to the local network (or vice versa)
Packet Filters and the NETServer
Once created, a packet filter can be designated for use in any of
the following applications:
• Filter packets exchanged with the local network (Input Filter
and Output Filter fields of LAN Port Configuration)
• Control which hosts all login users can access (Input Filter
field of Port Parameters window for user login ports);
• Control which hosts a specific login user can access (Access
Filter field of the Login User Parameters window)
• Filter packets passing through a hardwired connection
(Input Filter and Output Filter fields of the Port Parameters
window for hardwired ports)
• Filter packets exchanged with a specific network user (Input
and Output Filter fields of Network User Configuration)
• Filter packets exchanged with a specific location (Input
Filter and Output Filter fields of the Location Table)