USRobotics NETServer/8 Switch User Manual

Software Download C-7
3. A series of dialog boxes appear, informing you of the status
of the software download process. Some of these include:
Download Progress This dialog box displays the file name
and size of the NAC file you selected.
Erasing Flash This dialog box displays the percentage
of Flash memory that is being erased.
4. NETServer Manager informs you that the changes will not
take place until you reboot and asks you if you want to
Reboot the NETServer.
5. When the reboot is completed, the Login to NETServer
dialog box appears.
Upgrading the Modem Firmware
1. Select Software Download \ Modem from the File Menu.
2. Select the modems to which
you want to download new
Note: In the ISDN version
of the NETServer, each I-
modem services two ports.
Since sending a firmware
upgrade to both ports is
redundant, only the first
port of each I-modem (the
odd numbered one) is
displayed here.
3. Click on the Start button.