10-54 Command Reference
SNMP Table
The NETServer provides support for using the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) and supports industry standard
MIB-II variables. These variables are fully described in your
MIB-II documentation.
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands and command options for the
SNMP Table, use the following command:
help set snmp
Delete SNMP Hosts
To delete an SNMP Read Host use the following command:
delete snmphost reader <IP address>
To delete an SNMP Write Host use the following command:
delete snmphost writer <IP address>
Save the SNMP Table Changes
To save any changes that have been made to the SNMP Table,
use the following command:
save snmp
Enabling/Disabling SNMP
By default, SNMP is disabled. To enable or disable SNMP, use
the following command:
set snmp <