Basic Installation 2-3
Accessing the Command Line
To configure the NETServer from the command line, you must
log in as the supervisor.
1. In order to login, you need a login prompt. There are three
ways to get one:
• Attach the provided serial cable to the CONSOLE port
and attach the other end of the cable to a terminal (or a
PC running terminal emulation software such as Win-
dows Terminal). See the Quick Start Guide for more
• Using communications software, dial into any modem
port that is configured to support user login or network
dial in (by default, they all are). The data format is 8
data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity (8-N-1).
• If you have configured the LAN port (Ethernet interface)
to communicate with a local TCP/IP network, you can
Telnet to the NETServer using the address assigned to
this port. For information on configuring the LAN port,
see Getting the LAN Port Up and Running, later in this
Note that if you are just turning the NETServer on, it may take a
few seconds after the NETServer begins to boot before the login
prompt appears. If the login prompt does not appear, try
hitting the Enter key.
2. Login as the supervisor/superuser by typing the following:
(Must be all lower case!)
3. The password prompt appears. The default is no password
at all. If you have changed the password for the !root
account, type the new password in and press the Enter key.
Otherwise, just press
4. The “Command>” prompt appears. The NETServer is now
ready to be configured.