1-2 Guide to Using Page Description Languages
Some handwritten test masters print out CTM values. Since
these values vary, depending on the device resolution and
positioning, the test master output also varies, making these
tests useless for consistency testing across different PostScript
DocuPrint NPS/IPS is capable of processing any legal Type 0,
Type 1, or Type 3 font. Fonts of any of these types may be
included in a document when it is sent to DocuPrint. Type 0, Type
1 and Type 3 fonts may also be installed on the system using the
font installation utility.
NOTE: Only Type 0 OCF fonts are supported. Type 0 CID fonts
are not supported, even when downloaded.
Type 1
DocuPrint NPS/IPS contains 51 PostScript Type 1 fonts listed in
the following table. These fonts are standard Type 1 fonts
licensed through Adobe Systems, Inc. However, because
DocuPrint NPS/IPS may contain different versions of fonts than
other PostScript devices, there could be slight differences in
shapes of characters and the character sets of certain fonts.
Table 1-1. Adobe Type1 PostScript fonts
Font Typeface
Courier Courier, Bold, Oblique, BoldOblique
Helvetica • Helvetica, Bold, Oblique, BoldOblique, Light, LightOblique,
Black, BlackOblique
• Condensed, Condensed Oblique, Condensed Bold,
Condensed BoldOblique
• Narrow, Narrow Bold, Narrow Oblique, Narrow BoldOblique
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book, BookOblique, Demi, DemiOblique
ITC Bookman Demi, DemiItalic, Light, LightItalic
ITC Garamond Light, LightItalic, Bold, BoldItalic
ITC Korinna Korinna, KursivRegular, Bold, KursivBold
ITC Zapf Chancery MediumItalic
ITC Zapf Dingbats Medium
New Century Schoolbook Roman, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic
Palatino Roman, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic