Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 3 Using the ASDM User Interface
The Toolbar below the menus provides access to the Home view, Configuration view, and Monitoring
view. It also lets you choose between the system and security contexts in multiple context mode, and
provides navigation and other commonly used features. The following table lists the tasks that you can
perform using the Toolbar.
Release Notes Opens the most current version of the ASDM release notes on
Cisco.com. The release notes contain the most current information
about ASDM software and hardware requirements, and the most
current information about changes in the software.
ASDM Assistant Opens the ASDM Assistant, which lets you search downloadable
content from Cisco.com, with details about performing certain tasks.
About Cisco Adaptive
Security Appliance (ASA)
Displays information about the ASA, including the software version,
hardware set, configuration file loaded at startup, and software image
loaded at startup. This information is helpful in troubleshooting.
About Cisco ASDM 6.3 Displays information about ASDM such as the software version,
hostname, privilege level, operating system, device type, and Java
Help Menu Items Description
Toolbar Button Description
System/Contexts Shows which context you are in. To open the context list in the left-hand
pane, click the down arrow, then click the up arrow to restore the context
drop-down list. After you have expanded this list, click the left arrow to
collapse the pane, then the right arrow to restore the pane. To manage the
system, choose System from the drop-down list. To manage the context,
choose one from the drop-down list.
Home Displays the Home pane, which lets you view important information about
your ASA such as the status of your interfaces, the version you are running,
licensing information, and performance. See the “Home Pane (Single Mode
and Context)” section on page 3-17 for more information. In multiple mode,
the system does not have a Home pane.
Configuration Configures the ASA. Click a function button in the left Navigation pane to
configure that function.
Monitoring Monitors the ASA. Click a function button in the left Navigation pane to
configure that function.
Back Returns to the last pane of ASDM that you visited.
Forward Goes forward to the last pane of ASDM that you visited.
Search Searches for a feature in ASDM. The Search function looks through the titles
of each pane and presents you with a list of matches, and gives you a
hyperlink directly to that pane. If you need to switch quickly between two
different panes that you found, click Back or Forward. See the “ASDM
Assistant” section on page 3-10 for more information.