
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
SSL VPN Client Settings
Add—Displays the Add SSL VPN Client Profiles dialog box, where you can specify a file in
flash memory as a profile, or where you can browse flash memory for a file to specify as a
profile. You can also upload a file from a local computer to the flash memory.
Edit—Displays the Edit SSL VPN Client Profiles dialog box, where you can specify a file in
flash memory as a profile to replace a profile highlighted in the SSL VPN Client Profiles table.
You can also upload a file from a local computer to the flash memory.
Delete—Deletes a profile from the table. This does not delete the XML file from flash.
Cache File System—The security appliance expands SSL VPN client and CSD images in cache
memory. Adjust the size of cache memory to ensure the images have enough space to expand.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add/Replace SSL VPN Client Image
In this pane, you can specify a filename for a file on the ASA flash memory that you want to add as an
SSL VPN client image, or to replace an image already listed in the table. You can also browse the flash
memory for a file to identify, or you can upload a file from a local computer.
Flash SVC Image—Specify the file in flash memory that you want to identify as an SSL VPN client
Browse Flash—Displays the Browse Flash dialog box where you can view all the files on flash
Upload—Displays the Upload Image dialog box where you can upload a file from a local PC that
you want to identify as an client image.
Regular expression to match user-agent—Specifies a string that the ASA uses to match against the
User-Agent string passed by the browser. For mobile users, you can decrease the connection time of
the mobile device by using the feature. When the browser connects to the ASA, it includes the
User-Agent string in the HTTP header. When the ASA receives the string, if the string matches an
expression configured for an image, it immediately downloads that image without testing the other
client images.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System