
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 38 Configuring AAA Servers and the Local Database
Configuring AAA
Login DN The ASA uses the Login Distinguished Name (DN) and Login Password
to establish trust (bind) with an LDAP server. The Login DN represents
a user record in the LDAP server that the administrator uses for binding.
When binding, the ASA authenticates to the server using the Login DN
and the Login password. When performing a Microsoft Active Directory
read-only operation (such as authentication, authorization, or
group-search), the ASA can bind with a Login DN with fewer privileges.
For example, the Login DN can be a user whose AD “Member Of”
designation is part of Domain Users. For VPN password management
operations, the Login DN needs elevated privileges and must be part of
the Account Operators AD group.
The following is an example of a Login DN:
The ASA supports:
Simple LDAP authentication with an unencrypted password on port
Secure LDAP (LDAP-S) on port 636
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) MD5
SASL Kerberos
The ASA does not support anonymous authentication.
Login Password The password for the Login DN user account. The characters that you
type are replaced with asterisks.
LDAP Attribute Map The LDAP attribute maps that you can apply to LDAP server. Used to
map Cisco attribute names to user-defined attribute names and values.
For more information, see the “Adding an Authentication Prompt”
section on page 38-26.
SASL MD5 authentication
check box
When checked, the MD5 mechanism of the SASL authenticates
communications between the ASA and the LDAP server.
SASL Kerberos
When checked, the Kerberos mechanism of the SASL secures
authentication communications between the ASA and the LDAP server.
Kerberos Server Group The Kerberos server or server group used for authentication. The
Kerberos Server group option is disabled by default and is enabled only
when SASL Kerberos authentication is chosen.
Group Base DN Used only for Active Directory servers using the LDAP protocol. This
DN specifies the location in the LDAP hierarchy to begin searching for
the AD groups (that is, the list of memberOf enumerations). If this field
is not configured, the ASA uses the Base DN for AD group retrieval.
ASDM uses the list of retrieved AD groups to define AAA selection
criteria for dynamic access policies. For more information, see the show
ad-groups command.
Group Search Timeout Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response from an AD server
that was queried for available groups.
Field Description