ASDM configuration guide
Chapter 8 Using the Cisco Unified Communication Wizard
Licensing Requirements for the Unified Communication Wizard
Using the ASA as a secure presence federation proxy, businesses can securely connect their Cisco
Unified Presence (Cisco UP) servers to other Cisco or Microsoft Presence servers, enabling
intra-enterprise communications. The security appliance terminates the TLS connectivity between the
servers, and can inspect and apply policies for the SIP communications between the servers.
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy: Secure connectivity between Cisco UCM servers in different enterprises
for IP Phone traffic
As more unified communications are deployed within enterprises, cases where business-to-business calls
utilize unified communications on both sides with the Public Switched Network (PSTN) in the middle
become increasingly common. All outside calls go over circuits to telephone providers and from there
are delivered to all external destinations.
The Cisco Intercompany Media Engine (UC-IME) gradually creates dynamic, encrypted VoIP
connections between businesses, so that a collection of enterprises that work together end up looking
like one giant business with secure VoIP interconnections between them.
There are three components to a Cisco Intercompany Media Engine deployment within an enterprise: a
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server, a call agent (the Cisco Unified Communications Manager)
and an ASA running the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy.
The ASA provides perimeter security by encrypting signaling connections between enterprises and
preventing unauthorized calls. An ASA running the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy can either
be deployed as an Internet firewall or be designated as a Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy and
placed in the DMZ, off the path of the regular Internet traffic.
Licensing Requirements for the Unified Communication Wizard
To run the Unified Communication Wizard in ASDM, you require the following license:
However, to run each of the Unified Communications proxy features created by the wizard, you must
have the appropriate Unified Communications Proxy licenses.
The Cisco Unified Communications proxy features supported by the ASA require a Unified
Communications Proxy license:
• Cisco Phone Proxy
• TLS proxy for encrypted voice inspection
• Presence Federation Proxy
• Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
See Licensing for Cisco Unified Communications Proxy Features, page 51-4 for more information.
Note The Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy does not appear as an option in the Unified
Communication Wizard unless the license required for this proxy is installed on the ASA.
Model License Requirement
All models Base License