Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Customizing the AnyConnect Client
DATA CHANGE - File File Component_ FileName FileSize Version Language Attributes Sequence
+ MyProfile.xml MyProfile.xml MyProf~1.xml|MyProfile.xml 601 8192 35
<> company_logo.bmp 37302{39430} 8192{0}
DATA CHANGE - Media DiskId LastSequence DiskPrompt Cabinet VolumeLabel Source
+ 2 35
Specify transform files for customizing the AnyConnect client installation in this pane.
Localizing the Install Program using Installer Transforms
As with the AnyConnect client GUI, you can translate messages displayed by the client installer
program. The ASA uses transforms to translate the messages displayed by the installer. The transform
alters the installation, but leaves the original security-signed MSI intact. These transforms only translate
the installer screens and do not translate the client GUI screens.
Each language has its own transform. You can edit a transform with a transform editor such as Orca, and
make changes to the message strings. Then you import the transform to the ASA. When the user
downloads the client, the client detects the preferred language of the computer (the locale specified
during installation of the operating system) and applies the appropriate transform.
We currently offer transforms for 30 languages. These transforms are available in the following .zip file
on the AnyConnect client software download page at cisco.com:
In this file,
<VERSION> is the version of AnyConnect release (e.g. 2.2.103).
The package contains the transforms (.mst files) for the available translations. If you need to provide a
language to remote users that is not one of the 30 languages we provide, you can create your own
transform and import it to the ASA as a new language. With Orca, the database editor from Microsoft,
you can modify existing installations and new files. Orca is part of the Microsoft Windows Installer
Software Development Kit (SDK) which is included in the Microsoft Windows SDK. The following link
leads to the bundle containing the Orca program:
After you install the SDK, the Orca MSI is located here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK SP1\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin\Orca.msi.
The following procedure shows how to import a transform to the ASA using ASDM:
Step 1 Import a Transform. Go to: Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access >
AnyConnect Customization/Localization > Localized Installer Transforms. Click Import. The
Import MST Language Localization window opens.
Step 2 Choose a language for this transform. Click the Language drop-list to display languages and their
industry-recognized abbreviations. If you enter the abbreviation manually, be sure to use an abbreviation
recognized by browsers and operating systems.
Step 3 Click Import Now. A message displays saying you successfully imported the table.
Be sure to click Apply to save your changes.
Step 4 (Optional) Click Import to launch the Import AnyConnect Customization Objects dialog, where you can
specify a file to import as a transform.
Step 5 (Optional) Click Export to launch the Export AnyConnect Customization Objects dialog, where you can
specify a file to export as a transform.