Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Configuring AnyConnect VPN Connections
• Username Mapping from Certificate—Specify the fields in a digital certificate from which to extract
the username.
Use script to select username—Specifies the name of a script to use to select a username from
a digital certificate. The default is --None--.
Add or Edit—Opens the Add or Edit Script Content dialog box, in which you can define a script
to use in mapping the username from the certificate.
Delete—Deletes the selected script. There is no confirmation or undo.
Use the entire DN as the username—Specifies that you want to use the entire Distinguished
Name field of the certificate as the username.
Specify the certificate fields to be used as the username—Specifies one or more fields to
combine into the username.
Primary Field—Selects the first field to use in the certificate for the username. If this value is
found, the secondary field is ignored.
Secondary Field—Selects the field to use if the primary field is not found.
• Find—Enter a GUI label or a CLI command to use as a search string, then click Next or Previous to
begin the search.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Adding or Editing Content to a Script for Certificate Pre-Fill-Username
The Add or Edit Script Content dialog box lets you create an authentication or authorization script.
Note Both AnyConnect client and clientless WebVPN display “Unknown” in the username field when
pre-fill-username from certificate using a script cannot find the username in the client certificate.
• Script Name—Specify the name of the script. The script name must be the same in both
authorization and authentication.You define the script here, and CLI uses the same script to perform
this function.
• Select script parameters—Specify the attributes and content of the script.
• Value for Username—Select an attribute from the drop-down list of standard DN attributes to use as
the username (Subject DN).
• No Filtering—Specify that you want to use the entire specified DN name.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
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