Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Configuring AnyConnect Host Scan
Installing and Enabling Host Scan on the ASA
These tasks describe installing and enabling Host Scan on the ASA:
• Installing or Upgrading Host Scan
• Enabling or Disabling Host Scan
• Enabling or Disabling CSD on the ASA
• Viewing the Host Scan Version Enabled on the ASA
• Uninstalling Host Scan
• Uninstalling CSD from the ASA
• Assigning AnyConnect Posture Module to a Group Policy
Installing or Upgrading Host Scan
Use this procedure to upload, or upgrade, and enable a new Host Scan image on the ASA. This image
can enable the host scan functionality for AnyConnect, or you can use it to upgrade the host scan support
chart for an existing deployment of Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD).
You can specify a standalone Host Scan package or an AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client version 3.0
or later package in the field.
If you previously uploaded a CSD image to the ASA, the Host Scan image you specify will upgrade or
downgrade the existing Host Scan files that were delivered with that CSD package.
You do not need to restart the security appliance after you install or upgrade Host Scan; however, you
must exit and restart Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) to access Secure Desktop Manager.
Note Host scan requires an AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client premium license.
Step 1 Use your Internet browser to download the hostscan_ver sion-k9.pkg file or
anyconnect-NGC-win-version-k9.pkg file to your computer. You cannot use a csd_version-k9.pkg with
this procedure.
Table 69-6 Host Scan Packages You Load to the ASA
File Description
hostscan-version.pkg This file contains the Host Scan software as well as the Host
Scan library and support charts.
anyconnect-NGC-win-version-k9.pkg This package contains all the Cisco AnyConnect Secure
Mobility Client features including the hostscan-version.pkg
csd_version-k9.pkg This file contains all Cisco Secure Desktop features
including Host Scan software as well as the Host Scan
library and support charts.
This method requires a separate license for Cisco Secure