
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 7 Using the High Availability and Scalability Wizard
Feature History for the High Availability and Scalability Wizard
Feature History for the High Availability and Scalability Wizard
Table 7-1lists each feature change and the platform release in which it was implemented. ASDM is
backwards-compatible with multiple platform releases, so the specific ASDM release in which support
was added is not listed.
Table 7-1 Feature History for the High Availability and Scalability Wizard
Feature Name Platform Releases Feature Information
High Availability and Scalability Wizard 7.2(1) This feature was introduced.
IPv6 Address Support in Failover
8.2(5) This features was introduced. The following screens of
the High Availability and Scalability Wizard were
modified to allow the use of IPv6 Addresses:
Failover Peer Connectivity and Compatibility
Failover Link Configuration
State Link Configuration
Standby Address Configuration