Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 60 Configuring Threat Detection
Configuring Scanning Threat Detection
Feature History for Scanning Threat Detection
Table 60-5 lists each feature change and the platform release in which it was implemented. ASDM is
backwards-compatible with multiple platform releases, so the specific ASDM release in which support
was added is not listed.
Table 60-5 Feature History for Scanning Threat Detection
Feature Name
Releases Feature Information
Scanning threat detection 8.0(2) Scanning threat detection was introduced.
The following screen was introduced: Configuration >
Firewall > Threat Detection.
Shun duration 8.0(4)/8.1(2) You can now set the shun duration,
The following screen was modified: Configuration >
Firewall > Threat Detection.
Burst rate interval changed to 1/30th of the
average rate.
8.2(1) In earlier releases, the burst rate interval was 1/60th of the
average rate. To maximize memory usage, the sampling
interval was reduced to 30 times during the average rate.
Improved memory usage 8.3(1) The memory usage for threat detection was improved.