Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 38 Configuring AAA Servers and the Local Database
Configuring AAA
LDAP Server Fields
The following table describes the unique fields for configuring LDAP servers, for use with the “Adding
a Server to a Group” section on page 38-13.
Field Description
Enable LDAP over SSL
check box
When checked, SSL secures communications between the ASA and the
LDAP server. Also called secure LDAP (LDAP-S).
Note If you do not configure the SASL protocol, we strongly
recommend that you secure LDAP communications with SSL.
Server Port TCP port number 389, the port which the ASA uses to access the LDAP
server for simple (non-secure) authentication, or TCP port 636 for
secure authentication (LDAP-S).
All LDAP servers support authentication and authorization. Only
Microsoft AD and Sun LDAP servers additionally provide a VPN
remote access password management capability, which requires
Server Type A drop-down list for choosing one of the following LDAP server types:
• Detect Automatically/Use Generic Type
• Microsoft
• Novell
• OpenLDAP
• Sun
Base DN The Base Distinguished Name, or location in the LDAP hierarchy where
the server should begin searching when it receives an LDAP request (for
example, OU=people, dc=cisco, dc=com).
Scope The extent of the search the server should make in the LDAP hierarchy
when it receives an authorization request. The available options are:
• One Level—Searches only one level beneath the Base DN. This
option is quicker.
• All Levels—Searches all levels beneath the Base DN (that is,
searches the entire subtree hierarchy). This option takes more time.
Naming Attribute(s) The Relative Distinguished Name attribute (or attributes) that uniquely
identifies an entry on the LDAP server. Common naming attributes are
Common Name (CN), sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, and
User ID (uid).