Q Another location. Any other phone. Click . The Call Me at Another
Location dialog box opens, where you can specify the number. For instructions
on using this dialog box, see
“Placing a call” on page 12-2.
If you select an external number, you can use the external call forwarding
options under the Where I Am field. For instructions, see “Forwarding calls in
ViewPoint” on page 15-3.
Q For Taking calls, specify whether you want your phone to ring when a call arrives.
If set to Yes, incoming calls follow your active routing list, which usually includes
ringing your phone. If set to No, incoming calls are sent directly to the final action
on your active routing list, which by default is your voicemail.
Q The Queue calls field appears only if you are an agent in a call center queue.
Specify whether you want to receive queue calls when this personal status is
selected. If you specify Yes, this personal status marks you as available, and while
it is in effect you receive calls from all queues for which you are signed in. See
Appendix B for complete instructions on working as an agent in a call center queue.
You can modify this field only for custom personal statuses or the predefined
statuses In a Meeting and Out of the Office.
Q Select the Routing List that your calls use when you select this personal status.
Q To create a new routing list, click .
Q To edit a routing list in the list, select it, and then press ALT while clicking .
For more information about routing lists, see “Using routing lists” on page 15-7.
Q Select the Greeting played to callers when they reach your voice mailbox.
Q To record a new greeting, click .
Q To rerecord a greeting in the list, select it and then press ALT while clicking
For more information about greetings, see “Managing greetings” on page 13-18.
Q Check Ignore Call Rules if you want to disable your call rules when this personal
status is in effect. With your call rules disabled, all your incoming calls follow your
Standard routing list. See
Chapter 17 for more about call rules.
Note:Checking this box is equivalent to choosing Tools > Ignore Call Rules
whenever this personal status is in effect.
With the box unchecked, your call rules might cause some callers to hear greetings
or follow routing lists other than the ones specified by this personal status.
5. Check When I select this personal status, prompt me to change these settings to
have a dialog box open automatically whenever you select this personal status. Doing
this lets you quickly change preferences that you frequently modify.
Checking this box is helpful to you for those personal statuses whose greetings or
forwarding locations you customize on a regular basis. For example, whenever you