2. Do one of the following:
Q If your search only involves the criteria shown on the Basic tab. On the Basic
tab, you can quickly specify commonly-used criteria, and anything you enter is
treated as a partial search. For example, entering “617” in the
Number field will
return all records with 617 in that field, including “61755511212”, and
For a description of each field on the Basic tab, see “Search criteria” on page E-4.
When you are done specifying your search criteria on the Basic tab, go to step 3.
Q If you want to specify more complex search criteria. Click the Advanced tab to
search on additional fields in the mailbox recording’s Call Log entry, or to define
more complex search criteria than you can specify on the Basic tab.
For a description of each field on the Advanced tab, see “Search criteria” on
page E-4.
Click Add to List after defining each entry. To remove an entry from the list, select it
and then click
3. On either tab, you can specify how the results will be sorted. From the Order results
drop-down lists, select the Browser column on which to sort the search results.
Then select
Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list to specify how to sort
the contents of that column.
Note: Search results can also be sorted by clicking any column header in the Archived
Recording Browser.