
Run the TeleVantage Service Account Utility to reset Microsoft COM settings required
by the Intel Dialogic drivers. For instructions on how to run the TeleVantage Service
Account Utility, see Appendix C in Installing TeleVantage.
Note: the TeleVantage
Server must be installed before you can run the TeleVantage Service Account Utility
(see Chapter 10 in Installing TeleVantage for instructions.)
TeleVantage Server fails to detect some or all stations on HDSI/x analog
station board
Stations connected to an Intel Dialogic HDSI/x analog station board will not appear in the
TeleVantage Device Monitor until the HDSI/x analog station board is connected to the external
station interface box (SIB). The SIB provides the analog interface for station activity.
The HDSI/x analog station board will appear in the Intel Dialogic Configuration Manager
(DCM) even if it is not connected to the SIB.
If you encounter this problem, do the following:
1. Verify that all four cables that connect the HDSI/x board and the station interface box
(SIB) are connected properly and in the correct order. For more information about
connecting the HDSI/x board to the SIB, see Connecting DISIx analog station
boards on page 6-12.
2. Power off the SIB to reset it, and then restart the TeleVantage Server.
Stations not responding error on DISIx analog station board
If you encounter this problem, make sure that the DISI/x board connectors are fully tightened.
DCM fails to detect a DM3 board
The Intel Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) is occasionally unable to automatically
detect one or more of the DM3 boards. (See page 4-7 for a list of DM3 boards supported by
If you experience this problem after exchanging, replacing, or moving a DM3 board, first
see Intel Dialogic drivers may not start after moving or changing a Intel Dialogic DM3 telephony
board on page C-9.
If you encounter this problem, do the following:
1. Determine if the undetected boards passed the Power-on System Test (POST). You
will need to remove the PC cover to see the diagnostic LEDs on the Intel Dialogic
boards. Full POST is performed only when a board has gone from a power off to a
power on state. It is not performed in response to a soft restart, or when the Intel
Dialogic drivers are started in DCM.
After the TeleVantageServer starts, the LEDs on a board indicate the various
tests that are being performed. POST may take awhile to complete, but should be
complete by the time the Windows logon screen appears.