The Purge Archived Recordings dialog box opens:
2. Specify the recordings that you want to delete from the archive. Selecting recordings
to purge works the same as using the Basic tab to search for recordings. See
criteria” on page E-4 for a description of each field.
3. Click Delete to purge mailbox recordings that match your criteria from the archive.
OK at the warning message to confirm the purge.
Importing a recording archive from TeleVantage 6.x ____________
Important: The information in this section applies only if your system was upgraded from
TeleVantage 6.x, which stored archived recordings in .xml format. Perform the steps in this
section to import an existing recording archive into the SQL Server database used by the
TeleVantage 7 archive service.
Note: Depending on the number of recordings in the archive, importing can take a long time.
To import a recording archive via the Archived Recording Browser
1. Start the Archived Recording Browser according to the instructions on page E-1.
2. Choose File > Import XML Archive.
3. Navigate to the network location of the recording archive (Index.xml) that you want
to import, and click