Calling back the person who left a voice message
You can call back the person who left you a voice message by using the TeleVantage Place Call
or the
Speed Dial command. Place Call lets you choose the number to call if several numbers
are available.
Speed Dial returns the call to the default number.
To call a person back
1. Select the voice message left by the person you want to call back.
2. On the Actions menu, choose Place Call or Speed Dial.
Note: On messages from unidentified callers, TeleVantage places a call to the phone number
from which the message originated. If the message was left by someone calling from an office
(PBX) extension, you might not be able to connect to the correct party.
E-mailing a voice message
You can e-mail a voice message as a .WAV file attachment to someone who is outside the
TeleVantage system.
To e-mail a voice message, you must have an e-mail reader that supports MAPI installed on your
computer, such as Microsoft Outlook or Eudora Pro.
To e-mail a voice message
1. Select the message you want to send by e-mail.
2. Choose File > Send To Mail Recipient. Your MAPI mail ViewPoint Send dialog box
opens with the message attached.
3. Address and send the e-mail as you normally would.
Playing a voice message into a call
To play a voice message into a call, select the voice message and choose Actions > Play into
. You can select either Current call or Other call, in which case you can choose which of
your calls hears the greeting.
For more information about playing audio into calls, see “Playing recorded audio into a call” on
page 11-13.
Opening the contact record from a voice message
If a voice message was left by an identified contact (see Chapter 16), you can open the contact
record to view or change information about the contact. To do so, choose
Actions > Open