
Introduction _____________________________________________
If upgrading from TeleVantage 7, skip this chapter. Intel HMP requirements are unchanged.
This chapter describes requirements for using Intel NetStructure Host Media Processing (Intel
HMP) software to provide telephony resources for use by TeleVantage.
If you are using Intel Dialogic boards and drivers to provide telephony resources for
TeleVantage (instead of Intel HMP), see Chapter 4, Intel Dialogic Telephony Hardware and
Software Requirements.
Intel HMP version requirements _____________________________
TeleVantage 7.5 requires Intel HMP 1.1 and Intel HMP 1.1 Service Update 32 (SU 32) or
TeleVantage Server PC requirements with Intel HMP ____________
Intel HMP runs on the TeleVantage Server PC. You must use a Vertical TeleVantage Server that
comes with Intel HMP and TeleVantage 7.5 pre-installed, and that meets the requirements
described in TeleVantage Server PC requirements in Chapter 3 of Installing TeleVantage.
Contact your TeleVantage provider to obtain a Vertical TeleVantage Server that meets your
You must use a static IP address for the NIC that handles RTP audio traffic on the TeleVantage
Server PC. For more information, see Network interface card (NIC) requirements in Chapter
3 in Installing TeleVantage.
Intel HMP license requirements _____________________________
An Intel HMP license is a file that defines the number of call control and media processing
resources that your HMP installation will support. Using Intel HMPs flexible licensing feature,
you configure and purchase one Intel HMP license per TeleVantage Server PC. Each license
supports the specific resources that you require. An Intel HMP license is locked to the MAC
address of a network interface card (NIC) on the TeleVantage Server PC, and can only be used
on that Server.