Placing a call ____________________________________________
TeleVantage provides the following ways for you to place calls from ViewPoint:
Q Placing calls using the Dial bar
Q Using the Place Call To dialog box
Q Quick-dialing from ViewPoint folders
Q Camping on a busy user’s extension
Q Placing calls using drag-and-drop
Q Placing calls by using other contact managers
Placing calls with the phone on or off hook
When placing calls from ViewPoint you can choose the command with the phone either on-hook
or off-hook. If the phone is on-hook when you place a call, your phone rings immediately after
you finish dialing the number. If the phone is off-hook when you place a call, you hear
TeleVantage dialing the number.
Dialing Internet addresses and SIP URI addresses
If your system is set up to handle H.323 and SIP Internet calls, you can enter an IP address (for
example, or a SIP URI (for example sip:vwilliams@abccorp.com) anywhere you
could enter a phone number. In cases where you must select a dialing service, you must select
an H.323 service for H.323 calls or a SIP service for SIP calls.
Placing calls using the Dial bar
ViewPoint has a Dial bar on the menu bar that you can use to place calls.
To place a call using the Dial bar
1. Type either of the following in the Dial bar:
Q The number to dial. If it is an external number, type the full number including area
code (10 digits in North America, for example 6173540600). Do not enter a
TeleVantage access code (such as 9). To dial international numbers enter +
followed by the country code and the number, for example +44 020 7323 8299. Do
not add the international access code (for example, 011 in North America).
Hyphens, spaces, periods and parentheses are allowed.
Q The name or partial name of a user, contact, or contact company name. TeleVantage
searches all of the Contacts, Extensions, and Workgroups for a match. If only one
match is found, the system places the call immediately. If there is more than one
match, a dialog box opens and you can select a name on the list and click Dial to
place the call.