
Port Status and Configuration
Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters
Operating Notes:
For each port on the switch, the command provides a real-time display
of the rate at which data is received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) in terms
of kilobits per second (KBits/s), number of packets per second (Pkts/
s), and utilization (Util) expressed as a percentage of the total band-
width available.
The show interfaces <port-list> command can be used to display the
current link status and the port rate average over a 5 minute period.
Port rates are shown in bits per second (bps) for ports up to 1 Gigabit;
for 10 Gigabit ports, port rates are shown in kilobits per second
Viewing Transceiver Status
The show tech transceivers command allows you to:
Remotely identify transceiver type and revision number without having
to physically remove an installed transceiver from its slot.
Display real-time status information about all installed transceivers,
including non-operational transceivers.
Figure 10-8 shows sample output from the show tech transceivers command.
ProCurve# show tech transceivers
Transceiver Technical Information:
Port # | Type | Prod # | Serial # | Part #
21 | 1000SX | J4858B | CN605MP23K |
22 | 1000LX | J4859C | H117E7X | 2157-2345
23 | ?? | ?? | non operational |
25 | 10GbE-CX4 | J8440A | US509RU079 |
26 | 10GbE-CX4 | J8440A | US540RU002 |
27 | 10GbE-LR | J8437B | PPA02-2904:0017 | 2157-2345
28 | 10GbE-SR | J8436B | 01591602 | 2158-1000
29 | 10GbE-ER | J8438A | PPA03-2905:0001 |
The following transceivers may not function correctly:
Port # Message
-------- ------------------------------------
Port 23 Self test failure.
Figure 10-8. Example of Show Tech Transceivers Command