
Power-Saving Features
duration <[HH:]MM>: The amount of time the LEDs
remain turned off. Optional. If the duration value
is zero, when the timer starts the LEDs are turned
off indefinitely until the timer is canceled or the
command is overridden with another command.
Default: 0 (zero)
recur: Optional. If specified, the LEDs are turned off
on a daily basis at the configured time. The recur
option is ignored if the duration is configured as
Default: disabled.
If the configured time is less than two minutes from the current time, the LEDs
will be turned off instantly, however, the start time of the timer is shown as
two minutes from the current time.
A new command overrides the previous command, regardless of the current
state. For example, if a timer is active and new command is given, the currently
running timer is canceled and the new timer is scheduled.
The no form of the savepower led command cancels any scheduled or running
timer and the LEDs are returned to their original state. The all option can be
specified with the no command to turn on all the switch LEDs.
ProCurve(config)# savepower led timer 06/01/2009 12:01 dura-
tion 12:00 recur
ProCurve(config)# show savepower led
Led Save Power Information
Alarm Start Time : 06/01/09 12:01:07
Alarm Duration (HH:MM) : 12:00
Recurrent Status : Enabled
Led Save Power Information
Slot | Status
---- + --------
A | Disabled
B | Disabled
C | Disabled
D | Disabled
E | Disabled
Figure I-2. Example of Setting a Time and Duration for savepower led Command