
Daylight Savings Time on ProCurve Switches
This information applies to the following ProCurve switches:
•212M Series 2500 Series 5300xl
•224M Series 2510 Series 5400zl
1600M Series 2600 Switch 6108
2400M Series 2610 Switch 6200yl
2424M Series 2800 Series 6400cl
4000M Switch 2910 Switch 6600
8000M Series 3400cl Series 8200zl
Series 3500 ProCurve AdvanceStack
Series 3500yl
Series 4100gl
ProCurve AdvanceStack Routers
Series 4200vl
ProCurve switches provide a way to automatically adjust the system clock for
Daylight Savings Time (DST) changes. To use this feature you define the month
and date to begin and to end the change from standard time. In addition to the
value “none” (no time changes), there are five pre-defined settings, named:
Canada and Continental US
Middle Europe and Portugal
Southern Hemisphere
Western Europe
The pre-defined settings follow these rules:
Begin DST at 2am on the second Sunday in March.
End DST at 2am on the first Sunday in November.
Canada and Continental US:
Begin DST at 2am on the second Sunday in March.
End DST at 2am on the first Sunday in November.