Configuring for Network Management Applications
Using SNMP Tools To Manage the Switch
ProCurve(config)# show snmp-server traps
Trap Receivers
Link-Change Traps Enabled on Ports [All] : A1-A24
trap setting
Traps Category Current Status
------------------------------ -------------------------
SNMP Authentication : Extended
Password change : Enabled
Login failures : Enabled
Port-Security : Enabled
Authorization Server Contact : Enabled
DHCP Snooping : Enabled
Dynamic ARP Protection : Enabled
Dynamic IP Lockdown : Enabled
Network security
notification settings
Address Community Events Sent Notify Type Retry Timeout
---------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------
- public All trap 3 15
:0000:0000:0000:0121 user_1 All trap 3 15
Excluded MIBs
Figure 14-10. Display of Configured Network Security Notifications
Enabling Link-Change Traps
By default a switch is enabled to send a trap when the link state on a port
changes from up to down (linkDown) or down to up (linkUp). To reconfigure
the switch to send link-change traps to configured trap receivers, enter the
snmp-server enable traps link-change command.
Syntax: [no] snmp-server enable traps link-change<port-list> [all]
Enables or disables the switch to send a link-change trap to
configured trap receivers when the link state on a port goes
from up to down or down to up.
Enter all to enable or disable link-change traps on all ports
on the switch.