DNS Resolver
c. The domain name for an accessible domain in which there are hosts
you want to reach with a DNS-compatible command. (This is the
domain suffix in the fully qualified domain name for a given host
operating in the selected domain. Refer to “Terminology” on page C-
87.) Note that if a domain suffix is not configured, fully qualified
domain names can be used to resolve DNS-compatible commands.
d. the host names assigned to target IP addresses in the DNS server for
the specified domain
2. Use the data from steps 1a through 1c to configure the DNS entry on the
3. Use a DNS-compatible command with the host name to reach the target
Configuring a DNS Entry
The switch allows up to three DNS server entries (IP addresses for DNS
servers). One domain suffix can also be configured to support resolution of
DNS names in that domain by using a host name only. Including the domain
suffix enables the use of DNS-compatible commands with a target’s host name
instead of the target’s fully qualified domain name.
Syntax: [no] ip dns server-address priority < 1 - 3 > < ip-addr >
Configures the access priority and IP address of a DNS server accessible to the
switch. These settings specify:
• the relative priority of the DNS server when multiple servers are configured
• the IP address of the DNS server
These settings must be configured before a DNS-compatible command can be
executed with host name criteria.
The switch supports three prioritized DNS server entries. Configuring another IP
address for a priority that has already been assigned to an IP address is not allowed.
To replace one IP address at a given priority level with another address having the
same priority, you must first use the no form of the command to remove the
unwanted address. Also, only one instance of a given server address is allowed in
the server list. Attempting to enter a duplicate of an existing entry at a different
priority level is not allowed. To change the priority of an existing server address,
use the no form of the command to remove the entry, then re-enter the address with
the new priority.
The no form of the command replaces the configured IP address with the null setting.
(Default: null)