
File Transfers
Copying Diagnostic Data to a Remote Host, USB Device, PC or UNIX Workstation
Using a PC workstation, you then execute the following from the CLI to upload
the file to the switch and implement the ACL commands it contains:
ProCurve(config)# copy usb command-file vlan10_in.txt pc
The switch displays this message:
Running configuration may change, do you want to continue
To continue with the upload, press the
[Y] key. To abort the upload, press the
[N] key. Note that if the switch detects an illegal (non-ACL) command in the
file, it bypasses the illegal command, displays a notice (as in the tftp example
shown in Figure A-12 on page A-37), and continues to implement the remaining
ACL commands in the file.
Copying Diagnostic Data to a Remote
Host, USB Device, PC or UNIX
You can use the CLI to copy the following types of switch data to a text file in
a destination device:
Command Output: Sends the output of a switch CLI command as a file on
the destination device.
Event Log: Copies the switch’s Event Log into a file on the destination
Crash Data: software-specific data useful for determining the reason for
a system crash.
Crash Log: Processor-Specific operating data useful for determining the
reason for a system crash.
The destination device and copy method options are as follows (CLI key word
is in bold):
Remote Host via TFTP.
Physically connected USB flash drive via the switch’s USB port.
Serially connected PC or UNIX workstation via Xmodem.