Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
Configure a Mirroring Policy to Select Inbound Traffic (Page B-66)
class < ipv4 | ipv6 > < classname >
[no] [seq-number] < match | ignore > < ip-protocol > < source-address >
<destination-address >
[ precedence precedence-value ] [ tos tos-value ]
ip-dscp codepoint ] [ vlan vlan-id ]
policy mirror < policy-name >
[no] [seq-number] class < ipv4 | ipv6 > <classname> action mirror <ses-
sion> [action mirror < session > ... ]
[no] default-class action mirror < session-# >
[no] < interface < port/trunk > | vlan < vid-# > service-policy
<mirror-policy-name> in
In the policy mirror command, the mirror < session > parameter accepts a
number (1 to 4) or name, if the specified mirroring session has already been
configured with the name < name-str > option in the mirror command.
The no < interface | vlan > service-policy in command removes the mirroring
policy from a port, VLAN, trunk, or mesh interface for a specified session, but
leaves the session available for other assignments.
Configure MAC-based Criteria to Select Traffic (Page B-63)
[no] monitor mac < mac-addr > < src | dst | both > mirror < session >
Enter the monitor mac mirror command at the global configuration level.
Use the no form of the complete command syntax (for example, no monitor
mac 112233-445566 src mirror 3) to remove a MAC address as mirroring criteria
from an active session on the switch without removing the session itself.
Remote Mirroring Overview
To configure a remote mirroring session in which the mirroring source and
destination are on different switches, follow these general steps:
1. Determine the IP addressing, UDP port number, and destination (exit)
port number for the remote session:
a. Source VLAN or subnet IP address on the source switch
b. Destination VLAN or subnet IP address on the destination switch
c. Random UDP port number for the session (7933-65535)
d. Remote mirroring endpoint: Exit port and IP address of the remote
destination switch (In a remote mirroring endpoint, the IP address of
the exit port and remote switch can belong to different VLANs.)
Requirement: For remote mirroring, the same IP addressing and UDP
port number must be configured on both the source and destination