
Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
kms Key Management System: Configures and maintains security
information (keys) for all routing protocols, including a timing
mechanism for activating and deactivating an individual
Access Security Guide
lacp LACP trunks: The switch can either automatically establish an
802.3ad-compliant trunk group or provide a manually
configured, static LACP trunk.
Management and Configuration Guide
ldbal Load balancing in LACP port trunks or 802.1s Multiple
Spanning Tree protocol (MSTP) that uses VLANs in a network
to improve network resource utilization and maintain a loop-
free environment.
Load-balancing messages also include switch meshing
events. The Switch Meshing feature provides redundant links,
improved bandwidth use, and support for different port types
and speeds.
Management and Configuration Guide
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
lldp Link-Layer Discovery Protocol: Supports transmitting LLDP
packets to neighbor devices and reading LLDP packets
received from neighbor devices, enabling a switch to
advertise itself to adjacent devices and to learn about
adjacent LLDP devices.
Management and Configuration Guide
loop_protect Loop protection: Detects the formation of loops when an
unmanaged device on the network drops spanning tree
packets, and provides protection by transmitting loop protocol
packets out ports on which loop protection has been enabled.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
macauth Web and MAC authentication: Port-based security employed
on the network edge to protect private networks and the
switch itself from unauthorized access using one of the
following interfaces:
Web page login to authenticate users for access to the
RADIUS server that uses a device’s MAC address for
Access Security Guide
maclock MAC lockdown and MAC lockout
MAC lockdown prevents station movement and MAC
address “hijacking” by requiring a MAC address to be used
only an assigned port on the switch. MAC Lockdown also
restricts the client device to a specific VLAN.
MAC lockout blocks a specific MAC address so that the
switch drops all traffic to or from the specified address.
Access Security Guide
mgr ProCurve Manager (PCM) and ProCurve Manager Plus
(PCM+): Windows-based network management solutions for
managing and monitoring performance of ProCurve devices.
PCM messages also include events for configuration
Management and Configuration Guide
Documented in ProCurve Hardware/
Software guide