
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 1-3
Quick Start Instructions
You can also order manuals by phone by calling: 1-800-548-4725
1.2.6 Online HTML Documentation
In addition to the printed documentation, this kit also provides an online/html version of the printed
manual. This online information can be displayed and printed with any HTML-compatible
browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer* or Netscape Navigator*. Start with <CD-ROM
1.2.7 Intended Audience
To use this product you should be experienced in configuring computer equipment. For example,
you should be able to install and configure your OS to recognize peripherals and you should be
able to use software utilities to configure and troubleshoot those installed components.
1.2.8 Product Check List
The following hardware and software components are supplied with the standard shipping package:
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31) adapter card
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 CD-ROM
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 Quick Start Guide
Table 1-1. Documentation
Chapter/Appendix Title Description
Chapter 1, “Quick Start Instructions” Abbreviated version of the installation procedure.
Chapter 2, “Advanced Installation
Describes the installation procedures and where to begin to use this
product. Also describes RAID Configuration Utility and Advanced
RAID Configuration Utility.
Chapter 3, “Exploring the Utilities”
Describes the Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 Utilities, including
RAID Recovery/Update Utility.
Chapter 4, “Using the Storage
Read this document before using the RAID Configuration Utility to
initially configure the RAID subsystem. Read this document before
using a browser to configure a RAID subsystem. Describes how to
administer and supportthe RAID subsystemduring and after the initial
Chapter 5, “RAID Features”
Presents an introduction to RAID and describes the Intel® Server
RAID Controller U3-1 and its features.
Appendix A, “Hardware Details”
Describes hardware, features and specifications of the Intel® Server
RAID Controller U3-1
Appendix B, “Troubleshooting
Addresses questions andissues thatmay be encounteredwhen using
the Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1.
Appendix C, “Error Messages
Describes error and warning messages for the Flash Recovery Utility
and Firmware Update Utility.