
C-4 Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0
Error Messages Defined
C.2.2.3. Warning Messages
"WARNING 2301: This operation will update contents of RAID Adapter flash
memory with file: <filename>"
This warning message is displayed after the user successfully selects a filename for the Update
operation. It warns the user that the FRU is about to program the flash memory on IOP hardware
with the file selected. The user may choose to continue or escape the operation selected. If the user
escapes the operation then no action is performed.
"WARNING 2302: File to be programmed is empty. If you CONTINUE the action,
the flash memory will be erased and nothing will be programmed in flash
memory. If you ESCAPE, no action will be performed."
This warning message is displayed when the user selects a file for the Update operation that is
empty (zero bytes in size). It warns the user that if the operation continues, it will erase the flash
memory on IOP hardware but will not program anything since the file to be programmed is empty.
The user has two choices: Continue or Escape. If the user selects to escape the operation, no action
is performed.
"WARNING 2303: File to be programmed is in HEX format. This format is not
supported by this software. If you CONTINUE the file will be programmed in
RAID Adapter flash memory as it is (without Hex to Binary conversion). If
you ESCAPE, no action will be performed."
When a user tries to Update the flash memory on IOP hardware, the FRU checks for the contents of
the file to be programmed. If at the end of file, the FRU finds the End Of File Hex File Format
Record, it displays this message. It warns the user that the FRU only accepts binary file. It does not
convert a hex format file to binary file. The user has two choices: Continue or Escape. If the user
continues, then the file is programmed as it is in the flash memory of IOP hardware without any
hex to binary conversion. If the user escapes the operation, then no action is performed.
C.2.3 Firmware Update Utility (FUU) Error Messages
C.2.3.1. Firmware Update Utility (FUU) Internal Errors (Error Code Range =
1500 to 1599)
For Internal Errors 1500-1599, contact your Server OEM for support.
These error messages are reported in the following format:
INTERNAL ERROR xxxx: Fatal internal error
Thephrase‘Internal Error xxxx’ is shown in blinking red. The xxxx is the internal error
code number.
Internal Error Codes
1500 – Downloaded Firmware Error
1501 – Generic Internal Error
1502 – Cannot Allocate Operations List Buffer
1503 – Cannot Allocate Results List Buffer