
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 2-9
Advanced Installation Steps
Figure 2-6. Create RAID 1 Volume
Select Submit. The RAID 1 confirmation screen appears. If you are satisfied with the selections
you have made for your RAID 1 volume, select Yes in the confirmation screen and the volume
creation process begins. Create a RAID 5 Volume (with 3 Disks)
Figure 2-7 shows the RAID 5 volume creation screen with 3 SCSI disks available.
Naming the RAID Volume
In Figure 2-7, RAID 5 volume is named Vol ume1 . By default, the first RAID volume name will
always appear as Volu me 1. You are free to rename the RAID volume providing it starts with an
alpha character between A and Z in upper or lower case and does not exceed the 15 character limit.
The name may include an “_” (underscore) character. Rename the existing volume name if needed.
In Figure 2-7, the maximum volume size available (by default the maximum size always appears),
12873, has been selected. Another way to allocate the maximum size available to a RAID volume
is to enter a size value of 0. A value of 0 will automatically allocate all available space to a new
RAID volume. Enter the appropriate volume size.
Choosing the RAID Volume as a Boot Device
In Figure 2-7, the RAID 5 Volume being created is selected by default to become the boot device.
To select the RAID 5 Volume as a boot device select Yes, or select No to create the volume without
selecting it as the boot device. For more information about selecting a boot device see
Section The RAID 5 confirmation screen appears.
Intel(R) Integrated RAID - RAID Configuration Utility Version 4.05
Copyright(c) Intel Corporation 1998-2000 All Rights Reserved
RAID 1 Volume Creation
Enter the name of the RAID Volume: Volume1
Enter the size of the RAID Volume: 8582
Maximum RAID Volume Size: 8582
Is this the Boot Device? *YES NO *YES NO
Create with Hot Spare? *YES NO
Arrow Keys to Highlight, ENTER to Select.
Esc for previous menu