
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 2-37
Advanced Installation Steps
b. Click on the Setup button. See Figure 2-25.
Figure 2-25. Intel® Integrated RAID Software Installer Main Menu
The three components in the window in Figure 2-26 are preselected. Click Next and
follow the on screen prompts to complete the installation.
Note: The DMI and SNMP components are not selected by default. Refer to section
“Intel® Integrated RAID Software Component Installation” on page 4-3 of the “Using the
Storage Console” chapter for information on DMI and SNMP installation.
A progress bar appears that measures the progress of the SRCU31 software setup. When
this screen completes, you have completed the SRCU31 setup.
Note: Refer to section “Intel® Integrated RAID Software Component Installation” on
page 4-3 of the “Using the Storage Console” chapter for information on HP Openview
and RAID Monitor.
10. See Chapter 4, Section 4.3, “Configuring RAID Volumes Using the Intel® Integrated RAID
Storage Console” on page 4-12 to customize your RAID volumes using Storage Console.