Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 3-1
Exploring the Utilities 3
3.1 Introduction
The Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31) Utilities chapter provides information on OS-
independent utilities including the Make Diskettes option (to create these utilities onto backup
diskettes), the Update Flash Utility (for updating a valid image in flash), the Advanced RAID
Configuration Utility (an alternative to the RCU to create multiple volumes before installing the
OS), RAID Recovery Utility (which provides an emergency download recovery capability if the
SRCU31 firmware becomes corrupted), and a DOS based PDF reader to view the user’s manual.
These utilities are primarily intended to be accessed from CD-ROM via the ROM-DOS startup
menu which is launched when the system is booted using the SRCU31 CD-ROM. (This may
require changes to your BIOS to enable the CD-ROM to be booted first before other devices).
3.1.1 Summary of Contents
• ROM-DOS Startup Utilities
— Make Diskettes
— Update Flash
— Update Flash Procedure
— Advanced RAID Configuration Utility
— RAID Recovery (Recover Flash)
— User’s Manual via DOS PDF
3.2 ROM-DOS Startup Utilities
The SRCU31 CD-ROM is self-booting, assuming that your system supports booting from the CD-
ROM drive. This feature is useful because the utilities discussed below are run directly from the
1. Change the BIOS setup so that your system boots from the CD-ROM. Insert the SRCU31 CD-
ROM into the system CD drive and power up the system. The ROM-DOS Startup Menu
appears (Figure 3-1).
2. From the menu, select the type of update or SRCU31 configuration function you wish to
perform. The ROM-DOS Startup Menu provides four options. See Figure 3-1. Those options
include Make Diskettes, Update Flash, RAID Troubleshooting and RAID Recovery.
3. Enter the appropriate number in the Enter Choice field and hit Enter. The appropriate screen
The ROM-DOS Startup Menu options are discussed below.