Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 4-11
Using the Storage Console
Installation Overview
This overview reviews what happens during the installation of the HP OpenView NNM integration
software. The Table 4-2 lists the files that are copied during installation.
During installation, there is an option to complete the integration by automatically running the
necessary HP OpenView NNM utilities. If this option is not selected, the operations listed in
Table 4-3 should be performed manually. These utilities are in the
Note: This command-line syntax assumes that you have installed NNM to the default directory of
c:\openview. If you have installed NNM to a different directory, then substitute that
directory for
Table 4-2. HP OpenView Installation Files
File Name Location Copied To
RAID.MIB c:\openview\snmp_mibs
IRAID.CON c:\openview\conf\c
IRAID.ARF c:\openview\registration\c
IRAID.BMP c:\openviewbitmaps\c\toolbar
IRAID.FRF c:\openview\fields\c
IRAID.ICO c:\openview\bitmaps\c
IRAID.LRF c:\openview\lrf
IRAID.SRF c:\openview\symbols\c\cards
IRDISC.EXE c:\openview\bin
IRSTAT.EXE c:\openview\bin
Table 4-3. HP OpenView Installation Operations
Command Description
xnmevents -replace
This command adds the Intel Integrated RAID Trap
definitions to the Event database, which enables NNM to
identify and correctly format incoming events.
xnmloadmib -silent -load
This command adds the Intel Integrated RAID MIB to the
MIB database. This enables the devices to be managed
via the SNMP browser.
ovw -fields
This command adds the "isIRAID" field to the object
database. This action permanently modifies the database
schema. It allows NNM to identify whether or not a
managed node also contains a manageable Intel
Integrated RAID subsystem.
This command adds the Discovery Utility (IRDISC.EXE)
as an OpenView process controlled by the OpenView
Process Manager.