
Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 2-49
Advanced Installation Steps
2.5.6 Configuring IIS for use with Netscape Navigator
1. If Netscape Navigator is used as the default browser, use the following instructions to
configure Microsoft IIS for use in Netscape Navigator.
2. If you use Netscape Navigator as the default browser where Intel® Server RAID Controller
U3-1 is installed, you will have to enable Basic Authentication in Microsoft Internet
Information Server to use the SRCU31 Storage Console. Netscape Navigator does not support
Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication. If you are configuring Microsoft IIS 3.0 for
use with Netscape Navigator, go to step 3. If you are configuring Microsoft IIS 4.0 for use with
Netscape Navigator, go to step 4.
3. Configure Microsoft IIS 3.0 for Netscape Navigator
a. Start Microsoft Internet Service Manager from the Microsoft Internet Service Manager
program group.
b. Double-click on the server name in the WWW Service row (top computer name). See
Figure 5-12.
Figure 2-32. Internet Information Service Manager
c. Under the Service tab, check the Basic Authentication (Password is sent in Clear Text)
checkbox in the password authentication section of the WWW Service Properties for
Servername window. See Figure 5-13.