Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 User’s Manual Rev 1.0 2-69
Advanced Installation Steps Install Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 on an Existing UnixWare
This procedure installs SRCU31 into a system with an existing operating system installed. The
procedure ensures that the necessary software components are installed before installing SRCU31.
1. Backup your system.
2. Insert the SRCU31 CD-ROM and mount the CD-ROM drive as follows:
a. Create a directory to mount the file from the root of the local drive. For example type
“mkdir cdfiles” at the prompt.
b. Mount the CD-ROM to the folder by typing “mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdfiles
3. To install the SRCU31 components for UnixWare:
a. Type “cd /cdfiles/os_setup/unixware”
b. Type “sh install” to start the install script.
4. Select the install option by entering 1.
5. Install the ptf7066c package by selecting 1, and following the prompts. A confirmation
message will appear confirming the installation of the package. Begin the hardware
installation. See the procedure below.
Have all hardware and software on hand. See system requirements in Section
SRCU31 Hardware Installation
For complete hardware installation instructions see Section
Intel Integrated RAID Software Installation
1. Reboot the system into UnixWare and install the browser if necessary. The Netscape browser
is provided in the SCO UnixWare CD-ROM Disk 2 of 3.
2. Insert the SRCU31 CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and mount the CD-ROM.
a. Mount the CD-ROM to the folder by typing
mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdfiles
3. Install any other required components (RAID Monitor, SNMP Extention Agent or DMI
Component Instrumentation).
Table 2-4 lists the installation components and preinstallation requirements provided by
SRCU31 for UnixWare.
4. Launch the installer by typing the following:
a. Type “cd /cdfiles/os_setup/unixware”
b. Type “sh install” to start the install script.
c. Select option 1 (by typing 1) to install the requirements and components. Packages can be
individually installed by typing the package number listed in the far left corner of the
screen as shown in Figure 2-37. To install multiple packages type <package number>,
<package number> etc. For example, 1,2,4 etc. Hit Enter. After completing the
installation type quit and hit Enter to return to the main menu. Packages which have been
previously installed will only be updated if the revision number of the currently installed
package is older or newer.